Empower your businesses print decisions by gaining an insight into your printing trends. Intuitive Business Intelligence (BI) for PaperCut ensures that you are optimising print-related costs, improving efficiencies and reducing environmental impact.

What is business Intelligence?
Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the processes, technologies, and tools that a business can use to gather data. The goal of BI is to transform raw data into insights that can be used in strategic or tactical business decisions.
What is intuitive bi for papercut?
Intuitive for PaperCut is a pre-integrated Business Intelligence tool that uses easy to read dashboards for a straightforward way to visualise data within your PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive system.
How does IT work?
The Intuitive BI for PaperCut solution works by collecting, storing, processing, and presenting print data to help organisations make informed decisions. In particular, Intuitive enables businesses to gain a better understanding of print trends and activities within the business, may that be down to office location, department or individual user. Overall, the goal of intuitive business intelligence is to ensure organisations can to make data-driven decisions about their printing activities by providing easy-to-use tools that offer clear and actionable insights.
What are the benefits of Intuitive business intelligence?
- Handy Dashboards - These user-friendly dashboards display key print-related metrics and insights in an easy to understand way (including charts and graphs) which provides a quick and simple overview to print usage. These dashboards are also accessible from various devices, such as, desktops, tablets, and mobile devices therefore, insights can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
- Customisation: You can customise each report and dashboard to align with your specific print management goals, ensuring that you only see data that is beneficial to your business.
- Cost Saving - Getting a detailed insight into your businesses print and scan usage, makes it easy to see where the print hotspots are within the business and therefore which departments or individuals are printing the most. This can then be overhauled to see if this scale of print is necessary.
- Positive Environmental Impact -The dashboards show a summary of the environmental impact of your businesses printing which is analysed by CO2 produced, energy usage and trees consumed. Therefore, a clear demonstration of the impact of printing habits means that as a business you can begin to plan how to reduce the negative impact.
- Automation - Intuitive BI solutions allow the ability to automate data collection and reporting processes. This automation reduces the manual effort required to compile print-related data, making it quick, simple and more accessible to a wide range of users.
Discover More benefits.
Easier management and monitoring
Protect and control your print environment
Better cost control monitoring
Increase & improve productivity & output
Reduce environmental impact