Putting the environment first with tree planting in the local community
At DNS, we recognise the importance of balancing the requirement for advanced office supplies alongside prioritising environmental responsibility. That’s why, as a business, we’re committed to putting the environment first. We take proactive measures such as offsetting our carbon footprint, minimising print usage, recycling and reducing wastage across all operations.
Since DNS was formed in 1996, innovation has been a top priority within business plans. Subsequently, it is important to be able to not only be a carbon neutral business but to also continuously evolve so that we are providing solutions that are not only boosting our customers productivity but also reducing waste.
We are pleased to say that in 2022, we proudly became Carbon Neutral with the help of Co-Treetment. An environmental charity that specialises in creating woodland areas in the East Midlands through tree planting initiatives. These projects serve a dual purpose: not only do they help mitigate carbon emissions by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, but they also play a crucial role in managing water levels in flood plains, making ideal habitats for local wildlife.

The trees selected for planting are carefully chosen to be native to the UK, ensuring their suitability for the local environment and providing a welcoming environment for all future inhabitants.
This year we wanted to take it one step further and last week the DNS Team took a trip to Thringstone, North West Leicestershire armed with spades and wellies to plant the trees with their bare hands! (Well, we did allow them some gloves…)
The team successful managed to plant 200 trees in just two hours! The trees absorb 25kg of carbon per year, therefore 200 trees planted mean that the team have offset an estimated of approximately 88 metric tons of carbon dioxide over the next 20 years! That definitely deserved the pub lunch after.
Everyone had an enjoyable morning, it was great to not only help the environment and get suck in to planting trees but additionally, it was a fantastic team building exercise too.
Jonathan in our Business Development Team said:
“The morning was brilliant I really enjoyed getting out in nature, experiencing the fresh air and getting stuck into a great project with Co-Treetment. What I enjoyed most were the fantastic views, good company and a lovely meal in the pub afterwards!”

Here’s what Sales Director, Hugh said about the tree planting experience:
“After spending the day planting 200 Silver Birch trees (in record time!) at a local farm I couldn’t be more pleased of our collective effort to make a positive impact on the environment and advance our sustainability goals at DNS. I’m immensely proud of the team for their enthusiasm, dedication and willingness to roll up their sleeves for a cause greater than ourselves. From myself and the team, we would like to say a big thank you to Darrell & Simon at Co-Treetment for giving us this opportunity!”

The whole team are looking forward to going back in next time to see how our the trees have grown (and of course plant even!)
Join us on this journey towards a greener future. Together, we can certainly make a difference.
Find out more about how we are aiming to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly as a business and throught out our Print, IT, Communications & Document Management solutions here.